Conventional education for neurodivergent children has often been described as akin to trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Please see below for a range of options, resources, links and services.
Leading into the future
The most popular choice in the UK, with approx. 93% of children attending these tax funded establishments.
Children identified as having SEN (Special Educational Needs) should be on the SEN register at school and supported with a budget, plan, support and adjustments as necessary.
Around 6% of children in the UK attend private schools.
Special schools cater for children with special educational needs when provision provided by mainstream school is not suitable.
Children will have a EHCP-Education Health and Care Plan. Approx. 4% of children in England in 2002 have a EHCP.
A EHCP is a legal document which details a child's SEN, provision and agreed outcomes.
Home education is as the wording describes the education of children at home, and possibly other environments.
Children may be taught by parents, self, tutors, others and online.
EOTAS- Education other than at school is a somewhat similar looking process which is partially or fully funded by the LA for children who have a EHCP and cannot access school.
Education Help and advice
IPSEA ( Independent provider of special education advice ) should arguably be the first point of contact for those ploughing through the process of ensuring their child/ren receive the right education suitable for their special educational needs. They are experts in the field of EHCP and provide great free legal guides, resources and template letters. IPSEA also offer phone line support, which must be booked in advance.
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) offer information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Details of your SENDIASS team should be in your local authority local offer web pages, e.g:
There are also some great Facebook parent/advocacy groups and pages offering advice, support and training.
The best we have seen and that come highly recommended, run by neuro diverse individuals and authors include;
Eotas Matters (Education other than at school)
Facebook group for parents and carers with EOTAS, owned and managed by Heidi Mavir .
We are an autistic-led space for parents who need to learn about EOTAS via EHCPs. Pro Neuro diversity, trans-inclusive group and occasionally sweary.
Jodie Smitten, Children's well being practitioner and Autism Specialist