Our project to produce fabulous autism and adhd positive resource bags for individuals, tutors, teachers, Local Authority, NHS, charities and private businesses. Bags are created for children, adults or both and for individuals, services, schools and other.
Please get in touch via info@actually-autistic.co.uk
for more info and costs.
Great books from neuro diverse authors and others who celebrate the positives of our neuro types, while acknowledging possible challenges and offering practical advice. Information sheet detailing useful autistic/adhd/ND media and services. Sensory toys are also included for children/adults.
Actually autistic training and consultation designed and delivered by neuro divergent, autistics. Working together to improve school, workplace and other understanding and experiences for all.
Our training can be delivered online or in person, for individuals or larger groups. Sessions last for 1 plus hours but can be tailored to suit individual needs with prior planning. For training and bags contact
We can offer short individually tailored advice sessions from 20 minutes to support autistic/ND people and families by experienced, autistic, ND individuals
Our experienced Neuro divergent/ ND positive advocates can help with form filling and communication with services, schools and workplaces
Our actually autistic neuro diverse consultation services offers bespoke advice, planning and training for businesses, services and those wishing to create an autistic/ND positive and creative environment
Our skilled educational consultants have a wealth of experience as SEN tutors and teaching assistants and will work with you to devise strategies and actions to support your child’s educational journey.