Having gone through a late but validating diagnosis of Aspergers in my 40's and simultaneously my child's journey of a negative school experience, autism assessment, happier home education and then a long but (so far) successful and positive Ehcp application and subsequent package, we are determined to do what we can to support autistic children, teens, adults and families.
Changes start with self acceptance of our neuro type and celebration of the many positives, attributes and skills it can bring. Easier said than done, I know. To receive a diagnosis of Aspergers/Autism/Adhd; individuals have to 'hit' a number of 'deficits.' While discovering your autistic identity/ gaining a diagnosis can be empowering for some, for others it may make them feel (as the wording dictates) disordered/ deficient and less than.
Sensory and executive function differences can indeed bring challenges; especially in a fast paced, hectic world but appropriate and supportive environments can counter act these challenges.
Environment is key to building a positive , healthy life and that starts with home and usually school. To ensure a suitable environment we need to first accept and respect the autistic neuro type. Parents and Educators take note.
On actually-autistic.co.uk we hope to build a useful resource and community, combining advice, links and recommendations. We aim to be a platform that shares autistic talents, hopes and interests.
Different not Disordered
Delightful not Deficient
Celebrating neurodiversity
Raising actually autistic voices